Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
- IS1022 - Introduction to Programming Logic
- CPSC110 - Introduction to Computing
- CPSC215 - Software for Business Applications
- IS3022 - Java Programming II: Data Structures & File Processing
- IS3033 - Secure Operating Systems for IS Majors
- IS3063 - Database for IS Majors
- CYBR198 - 1st Year Cybersecurity Seminar
- CYBR298 - 2nd Year Cybersecurity Seminar
- CPSC295 - Special Topics in Cyberdefense
- CPSC336 - Network Implementation and Administration
- CPSC350 - Systems Analysis
- CPSC351 - System Design & Implementation
- CPSC428 (now CYBR428) - Network Security and Cryptography
- CPSC429 (now CYBR429) - Computer & System Security
- CPSC441 - Big Data Technologies
- CPSC445W - Capstone for IS Majors
- CPSC498 - Capstone for CS Majors
- CYBR498W - Capstone for Cybersecurity Majors
- CS6460 - Educational Technology (masters level as Graduate TA)
- PCSE595 - Special Topics: Computer and System Security (Masters Level - to be renamed CPSC529)
Course Development
Significant Course Re-design
- CPSC336 - Network Implementation - Redesigned course to include significant virtualization and cloud based components
- CPSC445W - Information Science Capstomne - Redesigned course to follow masters level research course with tracks for development, analysis and design or research
New Course Development
The following courses have been developed and proposed as new courses
- CYBR198 - 1st Year Cybersecurity Seminar
- CYBR298 - 2nd Year Cybersecrity Seminar
- CYBR429 - Computer and System Security
- CYBR328 - Foundations and Principles of Cybersecurity
- CYBR448 - Advanced Cybersecurity and Cryptography
- CYBR498W - Capstone for Cybersecurity Majors
Curriculum Development
The following are major developments to curriculum that I have spearheaded or otherwise be significantly involved with
- Information Science Degree Updates - modify core courses, and added 3 areas of emphasis to the degree
- Cybersecurity Major - identify and develop the requirements for a new major in cybersecurity
Academic Service
Academic service contributes (in non teaching/research capacities) to university and organizations.
University Service
The following service has been completed specific to a university (e.g. not a professional organization)
- SWCCDC - Graduate Team Captain
- MACCDC - Faculty Coach/Sponsor
- ICPC - Site Judge
- Cybersecurity Club Faculty Sponsor
- ISC2 Campus Liason
Academic Community Service
- SAIS - VP Conference Chair (2023)
- SAIS - VP Program Chair (2022)
- Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems (JSAIS) - Special Edition Editor - "IS in the time of COVID-19"
- SAIS - Board Member
- SAIS - Assistant Conference Chair (2019)
- SAIS - Assistant Program Chair (2020)
- SAIS - Session Chair - IT Adoption (2017)
- SAIS - Session Chair - Social Computing/Virtual Communities (2019)
- SAIS - Session Chair - IS Education, Curriculum & Teaching Cases